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New Workflow Actions

New Workflow Actions Starting with version 3.39, we are introducing a new set of action events available in the workflow system. We are adding Working Actions and Reassign Actions. Before we talk about those we should give you a little bit of background on how...

Troubleshooting QuickBooks

Troubleshooting QuickBooks When using QuickBooks Desktop with docMgt, there are times an invoice just won’t save properly. That is when troubleshooting QuickBooks is required. If you get any of the following errors follow the related instructions to fix the...

Do I Need Enterprise Edition?

Do I Need Enterprise Edition? We often get asked the question “Do I Need Enterprise Edition or Can I Use Archival Edition?” The answer is – it depends on how you plan to use DocMgt. For simple store and retrieve needs you can use Archival Edition. ...

Cloud Data Security

  Cloud Data Security If you are using any cloud service provider you need to be sure your data is secure! At docMgt, cloud data security is our top priority. From the physical storage of your data to the application itself and everywhere in between, you have...

Improving HR Departments

Improving HR Departments Employees are the life blood your organization. Success depends upon your ability to hire and retain the best possible talent.  But success also depends on protecting yourself from litigation and compliance issues. That is why docMgt works...

AP Automation in Healthcare

  AP Automation in Healthcare Healthcare has always been a rapidly evolving industry. But now it is facing new challenges such as a worldwide pandemic while still dealing with the everyday needs of their normal caseloads. All that while trying to remain fiscally...