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Speeding Up E-form Loading – Part 1

  Speeding Up E-form Loading – Part 1 When it comes to speeding up E-form loading, it usually comes down to minimizing the use of DMGET and DMGETOPTIONS and restricting what you do inside the ‘Before E-form Load’ event. This article will focus...

Working with Iframe fields

  Working with Iframe fields Background: An Inline Frame is commonly called an Iframe. Iframes are ways to embed a complete web page inside another web page.  You would typically place an <iframe> tag, size it, then configure it to load the other page...

Workflow Filters

  Workflow Filters Your workflow list can get very long. Being able to find the items you need to work can be tricky. DocMgt’s Workflow Filters allow you to find the right work items as quickly as possible.     What Are Workflow Filters Your...

QuickBooks Online Search Bookmark

QuickBooks Online Search Bookmark This article explains how to make a QuickBooks Online Search Bookmark on your browser toolbar. The basic scenario for this article is that you are viewing a Bill in QBO and want to see the invoice image and all the workflow that went...

Named Records in Workflow

Named Records in Workflow Our new “Named Records in Workflow” feature allows you access and update Records in workflow by simply referencing the Records by name. Streamline and simplify your workflows by leveraging an easy-to-follow naming system. This...

How To Configure Auto-Classify

  How To Configure Auto-Classify This article will walk you through how to configure Auto-Classify. The Auto-Classify feature allows you to split documents and move the pages into their respective categories and subcategories. This is done by using the OCR data...

Cannot View PDF / XFA

  Cannot View PDF / XFA User may upload a PDF and get this following message in the viewer when it opens: This message happens when the PDF is actually an XFA document – which is an XML form that Adobe supports.  They are created with the Adobe’s AEM...

E-form Calculations

    E-form Calculations Calculating values inside of E-forms is a common requirement. For instance, you may have a form for submitting expenses which needs to have all the expenses added together. It could further require its values be divided among...