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Step-By-Step: Contact Us Workflow

Building a Contact Us Workflow – Step by Step In our previous post, Step-By-Step: Contact Us Form, we discussed the creation of a Contact Us Form and how to publish that for use on your Web site. In this article we will extend that lesson and discuss how to...

Step-By-Step: Contact Us Form

Building a Contact Us Form – Step by Step Most sites have a Contact Us form where users can ask questions or leave comments about the Web site, products, services and more. The problem with most systems like WordPress or other Web site builders is they only...
Portals vs. Public E-Forms

Portals vs. Public E-Forms

Portals vs. Public E-Forms There are two basic ways to interact with external users – Portals and Public E-Forms. Both have their benefits and uses but both have different requirements and outcomes. So the question is “When do I use Portals vs. Public...

Adding Users and Teams in docMgt

Adding Users and Teams When adding Users and Teams there are two routes to take. You can add Users and Teams manually or you can import them. Note that Teams can only be imported if they are imported as part of the User import. As a rule of thumb you should add a...
Designing E-Forms

Designing E-Forms

Designing E-Forms Electronic Forms (E-Forms) allow users to interact with docMgt in ways other than standard screens. With E-Forms users can view and enter data, view documents and even interact with outside users by allowing public access to specific E-Forms...

How to Install and Configure docMgt OCR

How to Install and Configure docMgt OCR Engine docMgt has an optional OCR Engine that can run Optical Character Recognition on the document stored inside docMgt. This process creates the indexed text that enables full-text searching and click indexing within the...

Workflow Part 2 – Intermediate Configuration

Workflow Part 2 – Intermediate In part 1 of this series, we focused on the basics of workflow and how to get started creating simple workflows. In Workflow Part 2, we will focus on the somewhat more advanced options of workflow to give you more tools by which to...

Multi-Value Fields

docMgt now offers support for Multi-Value Fields which allow you to add multiple Fields with the same name to a Record. This blog will review the appropriate steps in adding Fields with the same name within a Record. While creating a new Record Type select the Fields...

Efficiency Enhancement Tools Part 1 – Dashboard

docMgt provides users with several tools that drastically improve efficiency. In this 3-part series blog, Dashboard the first of the three most used efficiency enhancement tools will be covered. These three tools include: Dashboard, Workflow Manager, and Configuration...

docMgt Note Capabilities

In this article, docMgt note capabilities will be reviewed. After reading this article, you will see the effectiveness Notes have in improving efficiency all while keeping everything consistent. Notes in Records are very useful, therefore we encourage all users to...

Email Branding

Branding allows you to configure the look of the system to match your “brand” or company colors. It can also be used to represent holidays, seasons, moods, company events, etc. The colors, backgrounds and logos can be configured to give the system just the right...

The Art of the Deal!

Automate Deal Processing to Improve Cash Flow.   Virtual Auditor can help you ensure that the deals you close today will get funded by tomorrow! Is all of your documentation always complete? Are you certain? How does your company ensure that everyone in the...