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Workflow Processes

Workflow Processes

Workflow Processes Having a long list of triggers can seem overwhelming. Even if they are simple in and of themselves, just the shear number of them can look intimidating. With our new Workflow Processes you can groups triggers together into more manageable groups so...

Repair Orders

  Repair Orders Warranty audits require a large number of supporting documents and way too often result in lost revenue and charge backs. Does your staff spend way too much time looking for repair orders or other supporting documents to satisfy your warranty...

Workflow Filtered Assignments

Workflow Filtered Assignments Assigning a workflow item to a user is typically very simple. Just select the user from the list and now every time that trigger is activated the item is assigned to that user. Or maybe you want to have a team of users work on the item....

Workflow Expectations

Workflow Expectations All sorts of processes require monitoring. When data is in the system it is fairly easy to monitor. For instance, we can monitor individual work triggers to ensure that items are not sitting at one step too long. We can monitor the number of...

Configuring QuickBooks Integration

DocMgt comes out of the box with built-in QuickBooks Integration to synchronize bills, vendors and account information. Refer to this previous article for more information about what the integration can do. In this article we will describe how to configure QuickBooks...

The Support Line: Add-Ins for 64-bit Office

  Support for 64-bit Office The docMgt Integration Add-Ins for Office are built to install into the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office. However, you can still use these with 64-bit Office by using a simple Registry update trick as explained in this article. Be...