by Brad Vossler | Mar 5, 2025 | Accounts Payable, Add-Ins, Feature, Human Resources, Workflow
Errors Send Emails When sending an email, you may see an error message similar to “Email Address Not Verified” or “The from address does not match a verified Sender Identity. Mail cannot be sent until this error is resolved.” This...
by Brad Vossler | Jan 17, 2025 | Accounts Payable, Add-Ins, Feature, Human Resources, Workflow
Record Type Link Fields Record Type Link fields are fields that allow you to select from a lookup table that is stored in another Record Type. For instance, you may be working with invoices and want to give the users a Vendor selection in your entry screens. If you...
by Brad Vossler | Jan 15, 2025 | Accounts Payable, Add-Ins, Feature, Human Resources, Workflow
Line Item Updates There are times when you need to work with line items to get your data processed properly. Invoices and Purchase Orders are 2 examples where line items are often used. In those applications, it is common to need to verify their line item data is...
by Brad Vossler | Feb 5, 2023 | Accounts Payable, Automotive, Education, Feature, Healthcare, Human Resources, NGO, Signature
Add-In Signatures Add-Ins are like having “workflow without workflow.” You can run workflow actions without having to route records or documents. You simply configure a button to show up when you need it. When the user clicks it, actions are...
by Brad Vossler | Oct 22, 2022 | Accounts Payable, Automotive, Education, Feature, Healthcare, Human Resources, NGO, Viewing
New Viewer Enhancements DocMgt Version 4.07 brings some exciting new features to the viewer. This article discusses those viewer enhancements. Open First Document on Load The viewer will normally open the first document in the Record when it loads. While that...
by Brad Vossler | Oct 19, 2022 | Accounts Payable, Automotive, E-form, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, NGO, Support, Viewing
E-forms with Tabbed Pages E-forms have gotten a lot of updates recently in DocMgt. One of the more exciting updates is also one of the simplest to implement. If you have multi-page forms you can easily turn them into E-forms with tabbed pages to make the form easier...