by Brad Vossler | Mar 5, 2025 | Accounts Payable, Add-Ins, Feature, Human Resources, Workflow
Errors Send Emails When sending an email, you may see an error message similar to “Email Address Not Verified” or “The from address does not match a verified Sender Identity. Mail cannot be sent until this error is resolved.” This...
by Brad Vossler | Jan 17, 2025 | Accounts Payable, Add-Ins, Feature, Human Resources, Workflow
Record Type Link Fields Record Type Link fields are fields that allow you to select from a lookup table that is stored in another Record Type. For instance, you may be working with invoices and want to give the users a Vendor selection in your entry screens. If you...
by Brad Vossler | Jan 15, 2025 | Accounts Payable, Add-Ins, Feature, Human Resources, Workflow
Line Item Updates There are times when you need to work with line items to get your data processed properly. Invoices and Purchase Orders are 2 examples where line items are often used. In those applications, it is common to need to verify their line item data is...
by Brad Vossler | Apr 4, 2023 | Administration, Collaboration, E-form, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, NGO, Security
Searching in Secure E-forms Secure E-form portals are a great way to provide services and information for your outside users. Once you have your secure portal ready to allow logins, there are a lot of options as to what to do with them. In this article...
by Brad Vossler | Apr 3, 2023 | Administration, Collaboration, E-form, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, NGO, Security
Secure Portals Using E-forms DocMgt Version 4.11 is a big release for DocMgt. This release added the ability to secure E-forms by more than just a simple password. You can now secure E-forms by having users log in and be authenticated against a Record....
by Brad Vossler | Apr 2, 2023 | Administration, E-form, Education, Feature, Healthcare, Human Resources, NGO, Searching, Viewing
Public Portal Using E-forms DocMgt Version 4.11 has added several enhancements to the E-form system. Two of the new fields we have added can help you build an E-form that works as a public searching system. This article will take you step by step to create your...