(844) docmgt1 [email protected]

Retention Can Help

  Retention Can Help Retention has always been a large part of docMgt. If you need to keep your storage under control, archive off expired content, or purge information for compliance purposes docMgt Retention can help!   Updated Features Manage your records...

Repair Orders Made Easy

  Repair Orders are some of the most important papers in your dealership and losing them is NEVER an option. Never lose a Repair Order again with docMgt!   Repair Orders Made Easy docMgt and Repair Orders are a quick and easy combination. Simply scan your...

Customizing Your Home Page

Customizing Your Home Page Each person has their own area of focus when they use docMgt. Some users come in to research and find information. Some come in to work on items that have been assigned to them. Others come in to update the same records over and over again....

Retention Explained

  Updated 1/30/2020 What Is Retention? Retention is a feature of docMgt that allows administrators to control how long certain types of information are kept online in the system. At a certain point in time some information is no longer needed. In other cases it...