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Retention Hold Update for Version 3.16

As of version 3.16 we are adding more capabilities to the Retention Hold feature for docMgt. In previous versions retention holds were only available via automation actions. We have now added a Retention Holds panel to the Record screen to allow users to manually place and remove holds.

Retention Holds List



What Is A Retention Hold?

A retention hold is a way to keep the Retention System from acting on a Record. For instance, you may have a retention rule set up to automatically delete any Record where the Expire Date is more than 3 years old. If you need a Record around beyond that date then you would add a Retention Hold on that Record. That way when the Retention System is deciding which Records to remove, it will know to skip that Record.



Record Screen

In the Record screen we have added a new Retention Holds panel. This panel shows any active holds placed on the Record. It also allows users to add and remove their holds. You can even add in a date to start the hold and a date to automatically remove the hold. And of course notes can be entered as well to let people know why the hold was placed.

Add Retention Hold



Search Screen

In the Search screen we have added the Retention Holds features into the Checked Items action menu. Select / check the Records on which you wish to add or remove a hold. Then select “Add Retention Hold” or “Remove Retention Hold” from the Checked Items action menu.

Search Screen Hold Functions

If you are adding holds then you will get the same hold information screen as shown above. If you are removing holds then the system will remove all holds from the selected Records that you are allowed to remove. You can always remove your own holds. If you are a system administrator you can remove holds placed by others as well.

Another addition to the Search screen is the ability to search for Records by their Hold status. Along with the normal search criteria you can also search for ones that have a hold or do not have a hold. This makes it easy to find those Records that have been placed on hold.


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Retention Explained

Release Notes version 3.16