(844) docmgt1 [email protected]

Importer and Exporter Add-Ins

Importer and Exporter Add-Ins Importer and Exporter are applications that allow you to automatically transfer data and documents into and out of DocMgt. With each release we strive to make these tools more powerful and flexible without making them too complicated. Of...

docMgt Exporter – What and Why?

  What Is docMgt Exporter? docMgt Exporter is a locally-installed Windows .NET application that takes information from docMgt so it can be used elsewhere. If you need to send data or documents from docMgt to another system this might be your best option.  ...

Release Notes – Version 3.20

Version 3.20 Release Date: 2018-07-21 New and Updated Features This is a list of the new features, functions and enhancements added since the previous release Record Types Added option to line item field to not force totals to balance parent field on completion Added...