Version 3.10
Release Date: 2017-06-10
New and Updated Features
- Search
- Added Export All and Export Checked options to run full export of selected Records
- Added line item fields to Record Type
- Added User Records Get/Save calls
- Updated REST documentation to include description of each call in API interface
- Added GetDocumentData call to get document data elements separately
- Direct URL Option
- Added direct search URL option to add record if not found during search
- Record
- Added link to Current Workflow Report
- Added drop-down menu in Information panel for reports
- Added drop-down menu in Information panel for Indexing Automation tools
- Removed button in Documents section to go to Document Classification
- Added menu option to Export Record
- Changed rights so only Administrators can purge documents
- Added option to check for Missing Documents based on Record Type settings
- Added refresh button to documents panel
- Added option to go directly to Indexing screen
- Changed non-record type entry fields to have optional calendar pop-up instead of forced pop-up
- Reports
- Changed QuickBooks Sessions report to link to ALL affected Records
- Added Current Work Item ID display to Work Item Report
- Added Current Work Item ID display to Work Item History Report
- Changed Change Log Report to better organize drop-down list of Object Types
- Indexing Automation
- Indexing – Added voice indexing (Chrome only) for text, date and numeric fields
- Installer
- Changed installer to use Retention Monitor as a Scheduled Task for all installations instead of the installed Service
- Changed licensing application to allow for selecting Server or OCR
- Reports
- Updated Work Item report to be able to search on Current ID
- Updated Work Item History report to be able to search on Current ID
- Updated Change Log report to streamline report running both aesthetically and efficiently
- System
- Made the Change Logging system more efficient
- Added Remember Me option to login screen (requires setting change in Main Options)
- Updated default error message timeout to 10 seconds
- Administration
- Added Remember Me setting in Main Options
- Moved Security settings to a new panel in Main Options
- Update SQL logic on saving Main Options to make them able to be edited via DB scripts
- Set the IP Limits section to not show up if the HideSysConfig option is set
- Workflow
- Added ability to log description of the follow-up actions taken into the Record Notes
- Added ‘Cancel Workflow’ option to the button actions
- Added ‘Attachment Name’ option to emails so documents can be renamed when added to email
- Record Types
- Added field selector to Retention Field input
- Added variable selectors to Quick Notes
- Entry
- Changed non-record type entry fields to have optional calendar pop-up instead of forced pop-up
- OCR (self-hosted)
- Added cycle limit option to limit the number of documents processed per cycle
- Search
- Record
- Workflow History Report link broken
- Error saving categories with some having empty values
- Drag and drop of categories with non-upper case letters causes duplicate categories
- Drag and drop of No Category documents causes duplicate No Category entry
- Document thumbnails do not draw properly when scrolling panels
- System
- Using custom start page on system with virtual application path does not work
- Self-Hosted systems are sometimes reporting as azure systems
- Outlook Integration
- Messages are not saving – no action was taken when button was clicked
- Messages not setting the Category properly
- Indexing Automation
- Indexing – Rounding errors occurred on values with decimal places
- Split – Splitting a single document with TIFF extension makes document unusable
- Indexing – Error getting ‘templates’ message is popping up
- Split – Pages not showing after split
- Record Types
- Cascading option not working when adding new field
- E-Forms
- E-Form designer layout not stacked
- E-Form designer option fields from Record Types were not populated with the options
- E-Form routing that had no triggers activated is causing error on client
- Workflow fails when external user submits routed e-form
- QB Sessions Report
- Link to click to affected Records only going to first record – not all
- GetDocumentPage did not apply annotations to final output
- WebDAV causes issues with PUT and DELETE calls
- Workflow
- Follow-ups not sending attachments to emails – cloud only
- Follow-ups not writing Record and Document notes – cloud only
- Advanced Search in the Criteria section was not adding new fields in the interface
- User Options
- Advanced tab empty if workflow not licensed
- Collaboration Portal
- Expire date not working on non-US date format
- Large split batches causing write failure to DB
- Failure in writing to DB causes loop and backs out logging info
- OCR is not being performed on documents that are secured
- QuickBooks
- Some large syncs are not getting all items
- Main Options
- Pressing ENTER in a field sends test email
- Home Page
- Thumbnails do not always show up for all sections
- Record