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Home Page Customization

The Home page is your base for all your current work activity. Having a Home page that works for you is very important in ensuring your efficiency. Home Page Customization allows you, as a user, to customize the layout of the Home page to fit your needs.

docMgt is committed to providing all users the best experience possible. This includes customizing the Home page to fit the users personal preferences. You can change the appearance of the Home page and customize it in a number of ways. This article will show you how to customize the Home page to make it work best for you through ways of organization and viewing capabilities.

Rearranging Panels

You can rearrange the panels by using the [icon name=”pencil-square-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Edit Home Page Layout button. In order to rearrange the panels, use your mouse to click and drag the desired panel and drop the panel in it’s desired order. Also, by pressing the Edit Home Page Layout button you have the ability to hide any panels that you wish to not see by pressing the [icon name=”eye” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Eye button.




Next, you can toggle each panel between both List and Thumbnail views. Do this by selecting the [icon name=”bars” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] panels properties button. The home page is defaulted to show Thumbnail views. Below you’ll see that the view is currently in Thumbnail view, by selecting [icon name=”list-alt” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] View as List, users will see content listed in the panel.



Reset Changes

Finally, you can reset all the changes you have made and return to factory settings. Press the [icon name=”undo” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Undo button to remove changes and set back to factory settings.




We hope that you enjoy and appreciate the capabilities of being able to customize your Home page. No matter how you use this feature, we are positive that it will enhance your experience while in docMgt regardless of your personal preferences.


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