Errors Send Emails
When sending an email, you may see an error message similar to “Email Address Not Verified” or “The from address does not match a verified Sender Identity. Mail cannot be sent until this error is resolved.”
This happens when you try to send an email FROM an email address that is not “verified” by us. This article explains why it happens and how to resolve it.
Email Address Not Verified
Email systems have evolved a lot over the years to try to combat spam. One such technique of battling spam is to enforce domain authentication. Domain authentication is where the server receiving an email verifies that the server that sent it has permission to send for the domain that the email was from. For instance, if an email comes to an email server from [email protected], the receiving server checks to see if the server that sent the email is permitted to send emails for the domain. If the permission exists, the email is accepted. If not, the email is rejected with an error like “Email Address Not Verified” or “From address does not match a verified sender identity.”
For a full write up on how it works and how to set it up, SendGrid has a great article available here:
TL;DR; – Email Address Not Verified Solution
If you want to get right to how to fix the error, it is fairly easy. Let our support team know which domain you wish to email FROM. We will generate some DNS entries and send them to you. Those entries need to be added to the DNS for the domain they wish to email from. Normally this is an IT function, so it is best to get IT involved right away. Verify that they can add the entries before we bother creating them.
Once the DNS entries are added, our support must validate that they worked. Once that is done, users will be able to email FROM that domain via DocMgt and won’t get the “Email Address Not Verified” error any longer.
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