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Delete Unwanted Index Values

Looking to remove one or more index fields from a Record? No problem, docMgt makes is simple to delete unwanted index fields from one Record and even multiple Records at once. Follow the steps below to easily remove these unwanted index fields.


Search for Records

Search for the Records you desire to remove fields from. Then select the desired Records’ corresponding check boxes. In this example, the user wishes to delete the Check Number fields from all Invoices associated with ‘MW Distribution’.


Edit Checked Records

Click the Checked Records Options drop-down and press the [icon name=”pencil-square-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Edit Checked Records button. This will bring up the Record Edit pop up dialog.

Delete Record Field(s)

From the Record Edit pop up dialog, enter the Field Name that will be removed along with the [DEL] value in the variable field. [DEL] is a custom value that will delete the field. If you enter any other value the system will add or update the field to that value.If you wish to delete more than one field, simply press the [icon name=”plus” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Add Field button and add the field to the list. Finally, press the OK button to successfully delete the checked Records’ fields.

Finally, after editing the Records, you may have to refresh your browser or click the  Last Search button to see the changes that were made.


Simple as pie! You can now delete unwanted index fields from records. Remember to come back weekly for a new Support Line article.