Added hot key for placing cursor into the tool bar search box to F3
Changed hot key for speech search to Shift-F3
Added 5 Records per Page option
Added option for displaying search results in a sortable grid instead of the standard general layout. This option is set in the the Record Type setup screen.
Added option to click the star icon to add or remove the Record from favorites
Added option to delete ALL Records from the last search. This is only available for administrators.
Added Document Classification screen that allows users to drag and drop individual pages from documents into classification “buckets” for quick document category indexing.
Added option in Indexing screen to save indexed Record into a new record or into an existing one
Added Configuration Manager that allows you to edit a configuration you had previously exported. Previously you would have to re-export the configuration from scratch to make changes.
Removed Config Import and Config Export screens and replaced with Configuration Manager
Removed Data Sort configurations from the Import and Export process and from the system in general
Config Manager also allows for retrieving configurations from a central server managed by docMgt
Fixed annoyance with the Record Type search drop down only working when clicking directly on down arrow. Now clicking anywhere in the button will drop down the Record Type list.